Removing a Visitor or Host

If a Visitor or Host that you configured in a Visit will no longer be involved in the Visit, you can remove their name from the Visit using the Remove button on the Visit General tab.

Removing a person from the Visit does not remove the person from the Personnel record database.

Removing a Visitor from a Visit
  1. Access the Visit using the Visit editor.
  2. In the Visitors grid, select the Visitor you wish to remove and click Remove.

    The Visitor is removed from the Visit.

  3. Repeat for each Visitor you wish to remove.

Removing a Host from a Visit

  1. Access the Visit using the Visit editor.
  2. In the Hosts grid, select the Host you wish to remove and click Remove.

    The Host is removed from the Visit.

  3. Repeat for each Host you wish to remove.