Customizing email templates for different languages

Use the Language combo box of the Email Templates interface to make custom email templates for each language supported by C•CURE 9000.
Figure 1. Language customization
Figure 2. Language has email template customization
  1. From the message grid, select the email template you want to view or change.
  2. Click the Language combo box.
    Note: The Language combo box does not have a default language selected, so you can make changes to the selected email template first, then use the Language combo box to select each language output your changes will apply to. If you make no language selection, changes to the template will apply to all supported languages.
  3. Select a language from the drop-down list of supported languages to diplay the email template script for that language.
    Note: Changing an email template for a language does not change the template for any other language. If a language has a custom template, a dot appears in the parenthesis next to its name.
  4. To make changes to the template for one or more languages:
    1. Make changes to the email template script, making sure the Language combo box is empty.
      See Changing email templates using the Script pane and Using the HTML editor for more information about changing templates.
    2. Optional: Test the template with real-world data.
    3. From the Language combo box, select from the list each language you want the changes to apply to.
    4. Click Save and Close to save your changes.
    Note: After a default template has been customized, the custom template is used for all supported languages and is the template suggested as the starting point for further customization.
    Note: If the C•CURE 9000 default scripts require minor changes for a particular language, keep the default scripts without making a language selection, select each language where changes are needed, and customize the messages for each language individually, using the default scripts as the starting point for editing.