Emailing Web Portal Registration to Hosts, Approvers, and Requesters

The C•CURE 9000 system sends a C•CURE Portal registration email to personnel if you complete any of the following:

  • Configure the C•CURE Portal Website URL System Variable. See System Variables for the C•CURE Portal.
  • Configure the C•CURE 9000 server to send Email. See Email Configuration
  • Provide a valid email address in the Web and Email tab in the Personnel editor.
  • Change and save any field in the Web and Email settings for a Personnel record which has any of the following enabled:
    • Can Host Visit
    • Can Approve Requests
    • Can Submit Requests

The C•CURE 9000 system sends the registration email if you change the personnel record in C•CURE Go, Web Client, data import, or the Administration Workstation. The email instructs the recipient on how to register as a Host, Access Requester or Access Approver in order to use the C•CURE Portal.