Changing the Web Portal Logo

After you have installed the C•CURE Portal application, you can customize the logo on the sign in screen by replacing the logo graphics file.

This file is typically installed in the following location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyco\CCurePortal\client\assets\images\custom\MainLogo.png

If you have installed the C•CURE Portal in a different location, you should find the logo graphic file in that file path.

The C•CURE Portal logo appears on the Web Portal login screen as shown in Portal Logo.

Figure 1. Portal Logo
A screenshot of the login screen with the regular C•CURE Portal logo.

If you substitute a different graphic file for the logo, it appears as in the following example.

Figure 2. Custom Portal Logo
A screenshot of the login screen with a custom C•CURE Portal logo. The custom logo is a staryy night sky.
Note: If you upgrade the C•CURE Portal, you will need to replace the logo graphic again.