General Tab Definitions

Table 1. Visit General Tab Definitions
Field/Button Description

Automatically Generate Name

This check box determines whether the Name field is automatically generated by the system (if selected), or must be entered manually by the user (unselected).

If selected, the system generates and updates the name (which cannot be edited) in the format: “Operatorname_YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM_OID", where:

  • Opername = name of Operator, or the virtual name for Web Operators, that create this visit, truncated to 60 characters.

  • YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM = date/time of start date of the Visit. If the Operator changes the Visit Start date or time, this part of the Visit name is modified.

  • OID=an identifier that makes the Visit name unique across the system.



Visit Site

Click to select a Visit Site for the Visit.

This is mandatory if you want to manage the visit through the Visitor Management Web Portal.

Visit Start

This drop-down calendar lets you select a date and time for the planned start of the visit. The Visit Start date and time do not control whether or not a visit can be in progress, but they do affect the Check-in/Check-out of Visitors. See Requirements for Check-in and Check-out by Card Swipe.

Visit Time Zone

This is a read-only field. The Visit Start and Visit End times display in the selected time zone.

If you assign a Visit Site to a Visit, the time zone setting is configured automatically:
  • If the Visit Site has a time zone, the Visit uses the Visit Site's time zone.
  • If the Visit Site does not have a time zone, the Visit uses the browser's time zone.
Note: Where an existing Visit was assigned to a Visit Site that had no Visit Site Time Zone, and the Visit Site is later updated with a Visit Site Time Zone, the Visit General tab displays a link to update the Visit Time Zone to correspond with the Visit Site Time Zone. Click the link to update the Visit Time Zone to correspond with the Visit Site Time Zone. See Visit Site General Tab Definitions for setting Visit Site Time Zones.

Visit End

This drop-down calendar lets you select a date and time for the planned end of the visit. The Visit End date and time do not control whether or not a visit can be in progress, but they do affect the Check-in/Check-out of Visitors. See Requirements for Check-in and Check-out by Card Swipe.



Click to open a dialog box that lists the Personnel records that can be added as Visitors. Only Personnel records of a Personnel Type with Can Be Visitor selected are shown in the dialog box. See Finding a Visitor or Host.


Click to create a new Personnel record for the Visitor. (This can be useful for unplanned visits or for Visitors who do not yet have a Personnel record. See Adding a New Visitor to a Visit.)

Click the down-arrow on the New button to select a template from which to create the new Personnel record for the Visitor.


Click to remove the selected Personnel record from the list of Visitors. Removing a Visitor or Host.

First Name

This read-only field is the first name of the Visitor, from that person's Personnel record.

Last Name

This read-only field is the last name of the Visitor, from that person's Personnel record.


This read-only field is the Email address of the Visitor, from that person's Personnel record.

Number of Visits

This read-only field indicates the number of times this Visitor has participated in a visit.

Last Visited

This read-only field lists the last Visit by this Visitor with a time value in time zone of the Visit Time Zone.



Click to open a dialog box that lists the Personnel records that can be added as Hosts. Only Personnel records with Can Host Visits selected on the Personnel General tab will appear in this list. See Finding a Visitor or Host.


Click to remove the selected Personnel record from the list of Hosts. See Removing a Visitor or Host.

First Name

The first name of the Host of the Visit, from that person's Personnel record.

Last Name

The last name of the Host of the Visit, from that person's Personnel record.


The system sends an email to the Host of the Visit when Visitors are checked-in through the Administration Workstation, C•CURE Portal or Visitor Management Kiosk. The Notify option is enabled by default.

The Host's Personnel record must include an Email Address to enable a Notify Email to be sent.

Clear the check box to disable emails sent to the Host. You can only disable the Notify option in the Administration Workstation.