Visit Editor Definitions

The following fields and buttons appear on the Visit editor.

Table 1. Visit Editor Definitions
Field/Button Description


The name of the Visit.

If Automatically Generate Name is selected on the General tab, this name is generated by C•CURE 9000 and is read-only. (For information, see General Tab Definitions.)

If Automatically Generate Name is not selected on the General tab, this field is required to be manually entered and must be Unique.


A textual description of the Visit.


The Partition where the Visit object resides.

Save and Close

Click to save the Visit and close the Visit editor.

Save and New

Click to save the Visit, and leave the Visit editor open, to allow you to create another Visit.

Create Copy

Click to save the Visit and create a new copy of the Visit. The Visit name is cleared but the other settings remain. You can add a name to the Visit and save it as a separate Visit.

Save and Check In

Save the Visit and Check In the Visitors. The Visit editor closes, and the Check In Visitors screen appears so that you can perform Check Ins. See The Check In Visitors screen.