Visit Site
A Visit Site represents locations (physical or organizational) that are defined in the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation. They are used to provide hosts with a way to organize Visits and to Email visitors information about visits. Hosts must be authorized to use a Visit Site (the eligible Hosts are included in the Visit Site definition in C•CURE 9000).
The Visit Site defines a set of rules for Visits and Visitors of these Visits, which are applied when the records are edited with the Web Portal.
Visit Site configurations also allow support of a multi-tenant solution when two or more organizations are sharing the same C•CURE 9000 system and want to manage their Visits and Visitors independently of each another.
You can specify:
- The Hosts who are authorized to use the Visit Site from the Web Portal.
- The Visit Templates you want to provide for Hosts to use when creating Visits.
- The Personnel fields that you want to appear on the Web Portal when a Host creates a Visit and adds Visitors.
- The Documents attached to the Visit Site that will be sent to Visitors via email when the Host saves a Visit on the Web Portal. (These documents cannot be edited or removed by a Host at the Web Portal.)