Assigning clearances to an Access Request Site

Use the Clearances Tab to specify which clearances are available to requesters when they submit an the access requests in the Access Requester Web Portal.

To assign a clearance to an Access Request Site
  1. Open the Access Request Site editor Clearances tab.
  2. In the Clearance Selection Rules table, select one of the following options:
    • Allow All Clearances from this Server to specify that all Clearances from all partitions are available to requesters when submitting an access request in the Access Requester Web Portal.
    • Allow All Requesters from Partition <Name> to specify that only Clearances from the Access Request Site's Partition are available to requesters when submitting an access request in the Access Requester Web Portal.
    • Custom Selection List to customize which Clearances are available to requesters when submitting an access request in the Access Requester Web Portal. can submit requests in the Access Request Site in the Access Requester Portal. See Creating a custom list of Clearances.
  3. Click Save and Close.


    Alternatively, if you want to save the Clearances settings and create a new Access Request Site, click Save and New. You can also click Create Copy to create a copy of the current Access Request Site with its Requester settings.