Access Request Site Clearances Tab

Use the Clearances Tab to specify which clearances are available to requesters when submitting an access request in the Access Requester Web Portal.

Field/Button Description
Clearance Selection Rules

Select Allow All Clearances from this Server to enable all clearances from all partitions available for selection in the access request site.

Select Allow All Requesters from Partition <Name> to allow all clearances from a partition available for selection in the access request site.

Select Custom Selection List to create a custom list of clearances available for selection in the access request site. You can create a custom list with Partitions or Clearances, or a combination of both. Enables Add/Remove buttons.


Select this button to add one or more Clearances or Partitions to the custom selection list.


Select to remove the currently selected row from the Custom Selection List table.

To select multiple rows for removal, hold down SHIFT or CTRL.