Revoking a request in the Review Access Requests tab

  1. Click the Review tab.
  2. Optional: To filter the Clearances list, enter a clearance in the Clearance Name field.
  3. Select a Clearance from the Clearances list and click View Personnel.

    A list of all Personnel associated with the Clearance displays.

  4. Select the Personnel Name that you want to revoke a clearance for.
  5. Click Remove.
  6. If the request contains more than one personnel, select one of the following options:
    1. To revoke the clearance for all personnel in the request, select Revoke for everyone and click Apply
    2. To revoke the clearance from just the selected personnel, click Remove for selected person and click Apply.
  7. In the Comment field, type a comment to associate with the revoked request. This comment is included in the email notification sent to the requester.
  8. Click Revoke.