- Host records can never be edited or deleted via the Web Portal; they can only be added to or removed from Visits.
- Only Personnel records which have the Can Host Visits property selected in Personnel can be made a Host for a Visit.
- In addition, only Hosts who are included in the Visit Sites to which the current user (Host) has access can be added to Visits.
- However, when viewing an existing visit, a Host is allowed to see all Hosts already assigned to the visit. This means that a Host can potentially see some Hosts that they cannot remove or add.
Host A is added to a Visit created by Host B. Host A can view all of the Hosts for the Visit, but some of the Hosts are not included in the Visit Site Host A is viewing. Host A cannot remove those Hosts from the Visit, or add any Hosts who are not included in the Visit Site.
A Host has access to two Visit Sites. Visit Site A has a Default Partition named "West". Visit Site B does not have a Default Partition, but it resides in a Partition named "East". The Host can therefore see and modify Visitors in both Partition "West" and Partition "East".