Configuring Visit user-defined fields

Use the User-defined Fields editor to define additional fields that apply to Visits and Visit Sites. You can configure Visit user-defined fields (UDFs) that are used to add additional information about a Visit. After you create a Visit UDF field, it appears in the Visit editor and the dynamic view, queries, reports, and export files.

You can use the Visit Site editor to select which Visit UDFs are available to Hosts in the Visitor Management application in the C•CURE Portal. For more information see, Visit Site Editor General Tab.
Note: After you update visit sites with Visit UDFs, to view these UDF in C•CURE Portal, you must wait two hours for the Ccure Portal service to update. To view the Visit UDFs sooner, manually restart the CCure Portal service from Windows services.

For more information about User-defined Fields, refer to the C•CURE 9000 Software Configuration Guide.

Note: If you are using Visitor Management in an enterprise environment in Multi Version mode, the Visit UDF is not available for selection until all SAS's have been upgraded to version 2.60. The Visit UDF is available for selection after the last SAS has been upgraded to version 2.60.

For more information about Multi Version mode in an enterprise environment, refer to the C•CURE 9000 Enterprise Architecture Guide.

  1. From the Navigation pane, click the Configuration button.
  2. Click the Configuration drop-down menu and select User-defined Fields.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • To open a dynamic view showing all clearances, click the Go Search button.
    • Click New.
  4. In the Name field, type the name that you want the field to have in the C•CURE 9000 database for the User-defined field. This is not the name that is displayed in the object editor and in other views. The name must be unique and cannot contain spaces.
  5. Type a description for the field in the Description field.
  6. In the Customer Label field, enter text to specify the name for the field that appears in the C•CURE Portal, object editor, Report, Queries, and elsewhere in C•CURE 9000.
  7. Select a language from the Language field drop-down list to specify the language with which this Customer Label is used.
  8. Select a field type from the Field Type drop-down list.
  9. Click the Object Type drop-down list and select Visit.
    Note: You cannot specify Mandatory Settings and Uniqueness in the Field Attributes tab. You can configure mandatory settings for Visit user-defined fields in the Visit Site editor.
  10. Click the Character Restrictions tab to specify a default value for the User-defined field. The value you choose must be valid for the field type. For example, you cannot specify a character string if the user-defined field type is logical.
    Note: You cannot create a mask for a character field for the Visit user-defined field.
  11. Click Save and Close.