Approving an access request

Use the Pending Access Requests menu option in the Access Approver application to approve an access request. You cannot approve access requests that you have created, or requests that you are included in as a requester.

  1. Click the Pending Access Requests menu option.
  2. From the access request list, select the request that you want to approve.
  3. To approve the access request, click the check box of the requests you want to approve.
  4. Right-click and select Approve, or click View to open the request and then click the approve button.
  5. Optional: In the Comment field in the Confirmation window, enter a comment.
  6. Click Approve.
    Note: If the approval rule associated with the clearance requested is Multiple Approvals in Order, approvers must approve the same order as configured in the Clearance Editor. Refer to the Clearance chapter of the C•CURE 9000 Personnel Configuration Guide for more information on approval rules.