Setting up Check-in and Check-out by Card Swipe

You can use an existing Door and Reader for this setup, or you can setup a new Door and Reader combination for Check-in and Check-out by Card Swipe.
  • For information about configuring readers, refer to the Readers section of the C•CURE 9000 Hardware Configuration Guide.
  • For information about configuring doors, refer to the Doors section of the C•CURE 9000 Hardware Configuration Guide.
  1. Set up a Reader or Readers that can read all of your access cards intended to be issued to Visitors.
  2. Select or configure a Door that includes the Readers for your Visitor card.
  3. Configure a Door Trigger on the Door that executes the Check Visitors In action when a card read that results in an admit access occurs on the Check-in reader. See Configuring a Door Action for Check-In.
  4. Configure a Door Trigger on the Door that executes the Check Visitors Out action when a card read that results in an admit access occurs on the Check-out reader. See Configuring a Door Action for Check-Out.
  5. Alternatively, you can configure a Trigger on the Door that executes the Check Out Visitors And Return Badge action when a card read that results in an admit access occurs on the Check-out reader. See Configuring a Door Action for Check-Out and Return Badge.