Visit Status

The visit host and receptionist can view and update the visit status in C•CURE Portal's Visitor Management application. The following table lists the different statuses that can appear in the Visit Status column.
Note: You cannot check visitors in to visits with the Closed, Complete, Expired, or Cancelled status.
Table 1. Visit Status types
Visit Status Description
Draft The visit is in the draft state. The email notification is not sent to the visitors.
Scheduled The visit is scheduled and the email notification is sent to the visitors.
In Progress At least one visitor is checked in to the visit.
Completed All visitors are checked out of the visit and the visit end time expired.
Cancelled The visit was scheduled and then cancelled.
Expired The visit is scheduled and the visit end time expired without any visitors checking in.
Closed The visit end time expired. Some visitors checked in and checked out. Some visitors are cancelled or did not check in.