Access request details

The Access request details module provides the fields that define an access request.

Use the access request form to create and submit new access requests, and edit draft access requests. You can also use the access request form to view details of submitted access requests.

Access Request Details fields and descriptions lists the fields and buttons in the access request details module.

Table 1. Access Request Details fields and descriptions
Field/Button Description


If you are an access requester, use the toolbar to save, submit, delete, revoke or renew an access request.

See Request Toolbar.

If you are an access approver, use the toolbar to approve, reject, revoke or renew an access request.


Access Site

The Access Site for this access request.

Access Sites are created and maintained in the C•CURE 9000 database by a C•CURE 9000 administrator.

Access Sites cannot be edited from the Access Management application.


Specifies the name of the access request.

This field is entered by the requester when making an access request.

Access to

Specifies the ClearanceClearance of the access request.

Clearances are created and maintained in the C•CURE 9000 database by a C•CURE 9000 administrator.

Clearances cannot be edited from the Access Management application.

Start Date

Specifies the start date for the clearance access.

End Date

Specifies the end date for the clearance access.


Entered by the requester at time of the request to justify reason for access request.

State of Request

Displays the current state of the request.

Note: This field displays in access requests that have been previously submitted.

Last Time State Changed

Displays the last time the state of the clearance changed. The state of a clearance can be updated by a requester renewing or revoking a request, or by an approver rejected, approving, revoking, or renewing a request.

Note: This field only displays in access requests that have been previously submitted.

Request Originated

Displays the date and time that the request was created.

Note: This field only displays in access requests that have been previously submitted.

Request by

Displays the person who submitted the request.

Note: This field only displays in access requests that have been previously submitted.

Add Person

Click to add a personnel, or enter the person's name or email that you would like to include in the access request.


Click to view personnel information, or click the drop-down arrow to remove personnel from the request.

Add New

Click to attach a document to the access request.


Click to view or download the document attached to the access request.


Click to view the approval history of a submitted request.

Note: This button only displays in access requests that have been previously submitted.
Additional Details

Click to enter any additional information for the access request as specified by the C•CURE 9000 administrator.